Feeling Lost in Long Beach? You’re Not Alone—Consider Seeking Mental Health Treatment in Nearby LA
The Queen Mary stands guard beside a one-time surfer’s haven, a massive urban city filled with a diverse and unique community. Welcome to Long Beach, CA—where the breakwater is protested and the street art is flourishing. Visitors come for the aquarium or the Grand Prix, but residents know that the aquatic capital of the world may just be the best place to live in Los Angeles County.
The Queen Mary stands guard beside a one-time surfer’s haven, a massive urban city filled with a diverse and unique community. Welcome to Long Beach, CA—where the breakwater is protested and the street art is flourishing. Visitors come for the aquarium or the Grand Prix, but residents know that the aquatic capital of the world may just be the best place to live in Los Angeles County.
Of course, being such a popular place to live has also made Long Beach really, really urban. Love it or hate it, living in a city denser than neighboring LA can be challenging, and it can make you feel isolated and lost in the crowd. This effect, in addition to ongoing pollution problems in the area (and the fact that pollution has been linked to a variety of mental and physical illnesses, according to recent research), can be detrimental to anyone’s state of emotional health—particularly if you happen to be living with a serious mental health issue. If you are, know that you are not alone.
In fact, Southwest Long Beach has a mental illness hospitalization rate more than double the average for California, and for the city of Long Beach as a whole. If you are one of the citizens who is dealing with depression, anxiety, or any number of other disorders, know that help and resources are available—and within driving distance.
With locations in Beverly Hills, Bridges to Recovery offers holistic inpatient programs within an hour of your home in Long Beach. To find world-class mental health care and a relaxing setting in that relatively brief driving distance might be a miracle in the vicinity of LA. At Bridges to Recovery, we are committed to helping our clients move forward into health and wellness. Reach out to us today to learn more about how an inpatient psychiatric treatment program can help you begin your journey to mental healing and return to Long Beach with the skills you need to make the most of it.