15 Mental Health Fitness Tips

Did you know you can “work out” your mind? Those currently in mental health treatment can use many methods to keep their minds in optimal condition, including:

  1. Tame your self-talk. Whenever negative thoughts creep in, combat them with positive affirmations about yourself.
  2. Build strong relationships. Gain a clearer sense of perspective and experience personal growth by cultivating one or more close friendships.
  3. Get physical. Even a few minutes of gentle activity, like walking or swimming, each day helps regulate mood and clear thoughts.
  4. Embrace change. Be patient with yourself as changes occur and try to find something positive in each new experience.
  5. Express yourself. Communicating thoughts and emotions is an important method of coping with mental health illness.
  6. Get adequate sleep. Find out how much sleep is ideal for you and stick to that number. If you feel chronically fatigued or have trouble sleeping, talk with your doctor.
  7. Engage in laughter. Funny movies, comedy shows, and conversations with humorous friends are all ideal ways to embrace the lighter side of life.
  8. Give yourself a break. Take time each day to relax and let go of stress, whether by taking a leisurely stroll, meditating, or doing another favorite activity.
  9. Watch your diet. A nutritious and balanced diet helps those in mental health treatment feel their best.
  10. Set boundaries. When the demands of life become too overwhelming, know when to decline a request.
  11. Avoid procrastination. Mental health issues can make completing tasks difficult, but making the effort to do so often results in a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  12. Be direct. Rather than assuming you know another person’s intentions, ask them outright.
  13. Let yourself grieve. When you lose someone you love, recovering from the sadness can take a long time. Be gentle with yourself and know you will get through this.
  14. Get rid of your “shoulds.” If you constantly beat yourself up over everything you “should” do but haven’t yet done, make the decision to make important items a priority and let go of the rest.
  15. Get help. Talk to a loved one, contact a medical provider, or reach out to your employer’s employee assistance program to help you get through difficult times.

To learn more about how Bridges to Recovery can help you employ these and other techniques to overcome mental illness, contact us today.