Impulse Control Disorders
Impulse control disorders can be devastating for both those who suffer and their families. The lack of ability to control participation in destructive behaviors such as gambling, substance use, and other process addictions can lead to profound consequences for a person’s social and professional life, health, financial and legal problems, and deep-seated feelings of shame. Fractured relationships with loved ones can be particularly painful, and increase isolation. When an impulse disorder co-occurs with a mental health disorder, simultaneous treatment is helpful to decrease the chance of relapse. Recovery is possible with the help of specialized treatment that addresses the full range of symptoms and guides you to a more stable, joyful life.
Co-Occurring Impulse Control Disorder Treatment at Bridges to Recovery
At Bridges to Recovery, you are removed from the everyday environment in which your impulses manifest, creating a natural disruption of your ordinary habits. For many, this creates much-needed distance to assess behavior and begin the work of healing. Our program is staffed by clinicians with expertise in treating co-occurring impulse control disorders through tailored treatment plans that target your specific needs. We help you work to recover from both the disorders themselves and their destructive effects in a safe, supportive space where you can be closely monitored. Families are invited to participate in treatment through family therapy to address your relationship and learn how to best provide support.
Medication for Impulse Control
Medications such as antidepressants have been shown to be effective in the treatment of some types of impulse control disorders. Our psychiatrists will work with you to determine whether or not medication is right for you and find the correct medication for you with both your impulse control and co-occurring disorder in mind.
Individual Psychotherapy
Intensive psychotherapy offers ways for you to examine the nature of your disorder and learn new behaviors to resist temptation. Triggers for impulsive behaviors are identified and you learn to disrupt the cycle of tension-building, release, and regret. You will develop healthy alternative responses to anxiety, along with stress-reduction techniques to prevent the triggers from appearing in the first place. Distorted thinking is replaced with a realistic understanding of situations, leading to more rational decision-making and awareness. Simultaneously, psychotherapy clarifies the relationship between the impulse control disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder to allow each to be dealt with fully, creating the best conditions for recovery. The shame, isolation, and interpersonal turmoil that often result from these disorders can be addressed and help you move towards resolution and integration.
Specialized Group Therapy
Our impulse control group is a structured support group in which you and other clients explore experiences and develop ways to gain control of emotions and behaviors. Within a community of peers, you can expand on the work you are doing in individual therapy while experiencing social validation and understanding. Group therapy can also be an ideal space to practice and receive empathetic interaction, which many clients find leads to improved compassion for themselves and relief from shame.
Family Therapy
Impulse control disorders can deeply impact families in both practical and emotional ways. The client’s pre-occupation with their disorder can steal them away from their loved ones, and disorders such as gambling addiction and alcohol or drug abuse can threaten the economic security of the family. Sex addiction presents special challenges to partners of those who suffer from impulse control disorder, creating both emotional injury and the potential for physical harm. Family therapy helps to educate family members about the disorder and, if appropriate, ways they can support you to prevent relapse. They often find therapy a safe space discuss their own feelings and work to repair the damaged relationships that can result from these illnesses.
Holistic Care
We offer multiple therapeutic modalities to help you develop better coping mechanisms and reduce stress. Yoga and meditation engage you in relaxation practices that help you gain control of anxiety and feel grounded in your body. Massage relieves the tension that some people with impulse control disorder feel during treatment and provides an alternative pathway to dissipating the impulse to engage in self-destructive behavior.
Contact us for more information about our program or to reserve a spot. Whether you or your loved one is ready for treatment or you just have questions, we are available to help.